SB258,35,2119 60.75 (2) (d) An elected A commissioner shall hold office until the 3rd Monday
20of April in the year that his or her successor is elected. An appointed commissioner
21shall hold office until a successor takes office.
SB258, s. 92 22Section 92. 60.75 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,35,2423 60.75 (3) (a) Except as provided in par. (b) or (c), all commissioners shall be
24residents of the town sanitary district.
SB258, s. 93 25Section 93. 60.75 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
160.75 (3) (b) If commissioners are elected or appointed and if the sanitary
2district is composed primarily of summer resort property, at least one of the
3commissioners shall be a resident of the district. Any commissioner who is not a
4resident shall own property within the town sanitary district. If the commissioners
5are not all required to be residents of the district, the commission shall designate one
6or 2 seats as resident commissioners. No person is qualified to hold the seat of a
7resident commissioner who is not a resident of the sanitary district.
SB258, s. 94 8Section 94. 60.75 (3) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
SB258, s. 95 9Section 95. 60.75 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,36,1310 60.75 (4) Vacancies. Any vacancy on an elective or appointive a commission
11may be filled by appointment by the town board for the remainder of the unexpired
12term. Any vacancy on a commission consisting of town board supervisors remains
13vacant until a successor town board supervisor is appointed or elected.
SB258, s. 96 14Section 96. 60.76 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 60.76 (1) and amended
15to read:
SB258,36,1816 60.76 (1) Election of officers. Except as provided in par. (b), the The
17commission shall organize by electing one of its members president and appointing
18a secretary and treasurer.
SB258, s. 97 19Section 97. 60.76 (1) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
SB258, s. 98 20Section 98. 60.785 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,36,2321 60.785 (2) (b) Within 60 days after the referendum, the appropriate town board
22shall appoint or provide for the initial election of commissioners or constitute itself
23as the commission
for the consolidated district, as provided in s. 60.74.
SB258, s. 99 24Section 99. 66.0217 (10) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0217 (10) (b)
25(intro.) and amended to read:
166.0217 (10) (b) (intro.) For purposes of this section, if a number of electors
2cannot be determined on the basis of reported election statistics, the number shall
3be determined in accordance with s. 60.74 (6). as follows:
SB258, s. 100 4Section 100. 66.0217 (10) (b) 1. to 3. of the statutes are created to read:
SB258,37,65 66.0217 (10) (b) 1. The area of the territory in square miles shall be divided by
6the area, in square miles, of the municipality in which it lies.
SB258,37,97 2. The vote for governor at the last general election in the municipality within
8which the territory lies shall be multiplied by the quotient determined under subd.
SB258,37,1210 3. If a territory lies in more than one municipality, the method of determination
11under subds. 1. and 2. shall be used for each part of the territory which constitutes
12only a fractional part of any area for which election statistics are available.
SB258, s. 101 13Section 101. 66.0219 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,37,2214 66.0219 (2) (a) If, prior to the date set for hearing upon an application filed
15under sub. (1) (b), there is filed with the court a petition signed by a number of
16qualified electors residing in the territory equal to at least a majority of the votes cast
17for governor in the territory at the last gubernatorial election or the owners of more
18than one-half of the real property in assessed value in the territory, protesting
19against the annexation of the territory, the court shall deny the application for an
20annexation referendum. If a number of electors cannot be determined on the basis
21of reported election statistics, the number shall be determined in accordance with s.
2260.74 (6) 66.0217 (10) (b).
SB258, s. 102 23Section 102. 66.0227 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,38,1624 66.0227 (3) The governing body of a city, village or town involved may, or if a
25petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 signed by a number of qualified

1electors equal to at least 5% of the votes cast for governor in the city, village or town
2at the last gubernatorial election, demanding a referendum, is presented to it within
330 days after the passage of either of the ordinances under sub. (2) shall, submit the
4question to the electors of the city, village or town whose electors petitioned for
5detachment, at a referendum election called for that purpose not less than 42 days
6nor more than 72 days after the filing of the petition, or after the enactment of either
7ordinance. The petition shall be filed as provided in s. 8.37. If a number of electors
8cannot be determined on the basis of reported election statistics, the number shall
9be determined in accordance with s. 60.74 (6) 66.0217 (10) (b). The governing body
10of the municipality shall appoint 3 election inspectors who are resident electors to
11supervise the referendum. The ballots shall contain the words "For Detachment"
12and "Against Detachment". The inspectors shall certify the results of the election by
13their attached affidavits and file a copy with the clerk of each town, village or city
14involved, and none of the ordinances may take effect nor be in force unless a majority
15of the electors approve the question. The referendum election shall be conducted in
16accordance with chs. 6 and 7 to the extent applicable.
SB258, s. 103 17Section 103. 67.05 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,39,418 67.05 (5) (a) Whenever an initial resolution has been so adopted by the
19governing body of a town, the clerk of the municipality shall immediately record the
20resolution and call a special election for the purpose of submitting the resolution to
21the electors of the municipality for approval. This paragraph does not apply to bonds
22issued to finance low-interest mortgage loans under s. 62.237, unless a number of
23electors equal to at least 15% of the votes cast for governor at the last general election
24in their town sign and file a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 with
25the town clerk requesting submission of the resolution. Whenever a number of

1electors cannot be determined on the basis of reported statistics, the number shall
2be determined in accordance with s. 60.74 (6) 66.0217 (10) (b). If a petition is filed,
3the question submitted shall be whether the resolution shall or shall not be
4approved. This paragraph is limited in its scope by sub. (7).
SB258, s. 104 5Section 104. 67.05 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,39,156 67.05 (7) (b) An initial resolution adopted by the governing body of a city for
7an issue of bonds for purposes specifically enumerated in sub. (5) need not be
8submitted to the electors under sub. (5) unless, within 30 days after the adoption
9thereof, a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 requesting such
10submission, signed by electors numbering at least 10% of the votes cast for governor
11in the city at the last general election, is filed in the office of the city clerk. Whenever
12a number of electors cannot be determined on the basis of reported statistics, the
13number shall be determined in accordance with s. 60.74 (6) 66.0217 (10) (b). Any
14initial resolution may, in the discretion of the governing body, by separate recorded
15resolution, be submitted to popular vote without a petition.
SB258, s. 105 16Section 105. 67.05 (7) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,40,517 67.05 (7) (e) An initial resolution adopted by the governing body of a city or
18village for an issue of bonds to create a revolving fund out of which to advance the
19cost of any work for which special assessments may be levied, in anticipation of the
20collection by the city or village treasurer of the special assessments, special
21improvement certificates and improvement bonds, made or issued for the cost
22thereof, need not be submitted to the electors under sub. (5) unless, within 30 days
23after the adoption thereof, a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40
24requesting such submission, signed by electors numbering at least 10% of the votes
25cast for governor in the city or village at the last general election, is filed in the office

1of the city or village clerk. Whenever a number of electors cannot be determined on
2the basis of reported statistics, the number shall be determined in accordance with
3s. 60.74 (6) 66.0217 (10) (b). If such petition is filed, proceedings shall be had under
4sub. (5). Any such resolution may, in the discretion of the governing body, by separate
5recorded resolution, be submitted to popular vote without the filing of a petition.
SB258, s. 106 6Section 106. 200.09 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,40,257 200.09 (1) A district formed under this subchapter shall be governed by a
85-member commission appointed elected for staggered 5-year terms. Except as
9provided in sub. (11),
except that upon creation of a district, the initial commissioners
10shall be appointed jointly by the county board of the county in which the district is
11located. If the district contains territory of more than one county, the county boards
12of the counties not having the greatest population in the district shall appoint one
13commissioner each and the county board of the county having the greatest
14population in the district shall appoint the remainder. Of the initial appointments,
15the appointments for the shortest terms shall be made by the counties having the
16least amount of population, in reverse order of their population included in the
governing body or bodies of each city, village, and town whose territory is
18included within the district. The initial appointees shall serve for a term expiring
19on the 4th Monday of April of the 2nd year beginning after their appointment
20Commissioners shall be residents of the district. Initial appointments shall be made
21no sooner than 60 days and no later than 90 days after issuance of the department
22order forming a district or after completion of any court proceedings challenging such
23order. A per diem compensation not to exceed $50 may be paid to commissioners.
24Commissioners may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred as commissioners
25in carrying out the work of the commission.
SB258, s. 107
1Section 107. 200.09 (9) of the statutes is repealed.
SB258, s. 108 2Section 108. 200.09 (11) of the statutes is repealed.
SB258, s. 109 3Section 109. 200.09 (11) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
SB258, s. 110 4Section 110. 200.09 (11) (am) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 200.09 (11) and
5amended to read:
SB258,41,166 200.09 (11) If the governing bodies of each city, town and village comprising a
7district pass a resolution authorizing the election of commissioners to terms
8succeeding the initial appointments, commissioners
Commissioners shall be chosen
9to fill vacant seats
elected by the electors of the district at large at the spring
10elections, as defined in s. 5.02 (21), of the district at large election. Of the
11commissioners who are initially elected, one shall be chosen for a term of one year;
12one shall be chosen for a term of 2 years; one shall be chosen for a term of 3 years;
13one shall be chosen for a term of 4 years; and one shall be chosen for a term of 5 years
14Each commissioner may hold office until a successor is elected and qualified, except
15as provided in s. 17.27 (1m). Any commissioner elected for a regular or unexpired
16term shall take office after filing the official oath on the 4th Monday in April.
SB258, s. 111 17Section 111. 200.09 (11) (am) 2. and 3. of the statutes, as affected by 2007
18Wisconsin Act 1
, are repealed.
SB258, s. 112 19Section 112. 200.09 (11) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
SB258, s. 113 20Section 113. 200.11 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,41,2421 200.11 (9) Extraterritorial service by contract. A district may provide
22service to territory outside the district, including territory in a county not in that
23district, under s. 66.0301, subject to ss. 200.01 to 200.15 and 200.45 , except that s.
24200.09 (1) does not require the appointment of a commissioner from that territory
SB258, s. 114 25Section 114. 200.15 (4) of the statutes is repealed.
SB258, s. 115
1Section 115. 200.23 (2) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB258,42,32 200.23 (2) Composition of the commission. (a) The commission is composed
3of 11 members who are elected from 11 subdistricts within the district.
SB258,42,64 (b) Each commissioner shall be a resident of the subdistrict from which he or
5she is elected. A commissioner who ceases to reside in the subdistrict from which he
6or she was elected vacates his or her office.
SB258,42,157 (c) Commissioners shall be nominated by nomination papers. Candidates for
8the office of commissioner shall specify on their nomination papers the subdistrict
9number from which they seek office. The terms of commissioners shall be 2 years,
10beginning on the 2nd Tuesday in July following their election, except that the terms
11of the members who are initially elected to office representing even-numbered
12subdistricts shall expire on the the 2nd Tuesday in July of the first even-numbered
13year following their election, and the terms of the members who are initially elected
14to office representing odd-numbered subdistricts shall expire on the 2nd Tuesday of
15July of the first odd-numbered year following their election.
SB258,42,1816 (d) Commissioners may be removed from office, for cause, as provided in s.
1717.13 (3) and may be recalled under s. 9.10. Vacancies in the office of commissioner
18shall be filled as provided in s. 17.27 (1g).
SB258,43,1319 (e) No later than 5 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday in January, the secretary of the
20district shall certify to the county clerk or board of election commissioners of each
21county in which the district is contained the names of candidates who have filed valid
22nomination papers for the office of commissioner and who are eligible to have their
23names appear on the ballot under s. 8.30. If any municipality contained within the
24district prepares its own ballots under s. 7.15 (2) (c), the secretary shall also certify
25the names of candidates to the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners

1of that municipality. In making these certifications, the secretary shall designate the
2form of each candidate's name to appear on the ballot in the manner prescribed under
3s 7.08 (2) (a). If a primary is held for the office of commissioner within any subdistrict
4of the district, the secretary shall similarly certify the names of the candidates who
5have won nomination to the office of commissioner and who are eligible to have their
6names appear on the ballot in the manner prescribed in s. 7.08 (2) (a). The secretary
7shall furnish one copy of the type A notice under s. 10.01 (2) (a) to each clerk or board
8of election commissioners to whom a certification is required. If paper ballots are
9used at a district election, the secretary shall provide each municipal clerk or board
10of election commissioners with an adequate supply of ballots for the election at least
1122 days before the election. The secretary shall issue certificates of election to
12persons who are elected to the office of commissioner after each election in the
13manner provided under s. 7.53 (4).
SB258, s. 116 14Section 116. 200.25 (1) to (4) of the statutes are repealed.
SB258, s. 117 15Section 117. 200.25 (7) (a) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB258,44,1216 200.25 (7) (a) Within 60 days after the municipal governing body of each
17municipality that is wholly or partly contained within the district enacts an
18ordinance or resolution under s. 5.15 dividing the municipality into wards, if the
19municipality is required to do so, or otherwise within 60 days after the population
20count by block, established in the federal decennial census of population, and maps
21showing the location and numbering of census blocks become available in printed
22form from the federal government or are published for distribution by an agency of
23this state, the commission shall, by a majority vote of the members of the
24commission, adopt a revised plan for the apportionment of subdistricts within the
25district. The subdistricts under the plan shall be assigned consecutive whole

1numbers beginning with the number one. Each subdistrict under the plan shall
2consist of contiguous whole wards or municipalities and shall be equal in population
3insofar as practicable. For purposes of this paragraph, "island territory," as defined
4in s. 5.15 (2) (f) 3., shall be considered contiguous to the other parts of the
5municipality to which it belongs. In developing the plan, the commission shall give
6due consideration to maintaining the compactness of subdistricts, maintaining the
7integrity of counties and municipalities within subdistricts, maintaining
8communities of interest within subdistricts, and fostering politically competitive
9subdistricts. The secretary of the commission shall certify and record an official copy
10of the plan in the office of the district. The plan shall be effective until the commission
11adopts a revised plan under this subsection following the next federal decennial
12census, unless otherwise ordered by a court under par. (b).
SB258, s. 118 13Section 118. 200.25 (8) of the statutes is repealed.
SB258, s. 119 14Section 119. 200.27 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,44,1915 200.27 (1) Quorum. Six commissioners constitute a quorum for the transaction
16of business. If after reapportionment under s. 200.25 (7) the number of
17commissioners is increased to 12 or 13, 7 commissioners constitute a quorum. If after
18reapportionment under s. 200.25 (7) the number of commissioners is reduced to 9 or
1910, 5 commissioners constitute a quorum.
SB258, s. 120 20Section 120. 200.27 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,45,821 200.27 (3) Chairperson. The At a commission's first meeting after an election
22of commissioners the terms of whom begin on the 2nd Tuesday in July, the

23commission shall elect one commissioner as chairperson of the commission, for a
24one-year term specified by rule by the commission. The term shall begin on the date
25the chairperson is elected and shall end one year later, except that if a successor has

1not been elected by the end of the chairperson's term, the term shall end on the date
2on which a successor is elected
. The chairperson is removable at pleasure by a
3majority vote of the members of
the commission if a quorum is present at the meeting
4at which the vote occurs
. The chairperson shall preside over the meetings of the
5commission and shall perform other duties imposed upon the chairperson by this
6subchapter or assigned by the commission. The commission may also appoint a vice
7chairperson who may exercise the powers and shall perform the duties of the
8chairperson in the absence or disability of the chairperson.
SB258, s. 121 9Section 121. 229.42 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,45,1810 229.42 (3) The district shall be governed by its board of directors and, except
11for the 3rd member described under sub. (4) (d) who is either a chief executive officer
12of a municipality or a resident of the district,
which shall be elected at large by the
13electors of the district at the spring election to serve for terms of 3 years, except as
14provided in sub. (7). All board members shall be residents of the district. Board
15members shall take office on the 4th Tuesday of April. The members who are initially
16appointed to serve as the board of directors under sub. (7)
may not act until all of the
17persons appointed to its board are certified under s. 229.435. The board of directors
18shall adopt bylaws to govern the district's activities, subject to this subchapter.
SB258, s. 122 19Section 122. 229.42 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 229.42 (4) and
20amended to read:
SB258,45,2321 229.42 (4) If the sole sponsoring municipality is a 1st class city, the board of
22directors shall consist of 15 members, who shall be qualified and appointed, subject
23to sub. (7) (b), as follows:
SB258, s. 123 24Section 123. 229.42 (4) (a) to (f) of the statutes are repealed.
SB258, s. 124 25Section 124. 229.42 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
1229.42 (5) (a) If a district has 2 or more sponsoring municipalities, one of which
2is a 1st class city, the board of directors shall consist of 8 members appointed by the
3chief executive officers of the sponsoring municipalities. The allocation of
4appointments by the chief executive officers and the expiration dates of the terms of
5office shall be specified in the enabling resolutions. The directors shall be subject to
6sub. (7) (a)
SB258,46,117 (b) If a district has 2 or more sponsoring municipalities, none of which is a 1st
8class city, the board of directors shall consist of 6 members appointed by the chief
9executive officer of each sponsoring municipality. The allocation of appointments by
10the chief executive officers and the expiration dates of the terms of office shall be
11specified in the enabling resolutions. The directors shall be subject to sub. (7) (a)
SB258, s. 125 12Section 125. 229.42 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,46,2413 229.42 (6) If the sole sponsoring municipality is not a 1st class city, the board
14of directors shall consist of 6 members, all of whom shall reside in the area of the
15district's jurisdiction and shall be appointed by the sponsoring municipality's chief
16executive officer, subject to sub. (7) (a). The expiration dates of the members' terms
17of office shall be specified in the enabling resolution. Three of the directors shall be
18elected or appointed public officials of the sponsoring municipality, one shall own,
19operate or manage an enterprise that is located within the district's jurisdiction and
20that has a significant involvement with the hotel, motel and lodging industry, one
21shall own, operate or manage an enterprise that is located within the district's
22jurisdiction and that has a significant involvement with the food and beverage
23industry and one shall be an at-large appointment who is an employee or officer of
24a private sector entity
SB258, s. 126 25Section 126. 229.42 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1229.42 (7) (a) Appointments Initial appointments or appointments to fill
2vacancies in the membership of the board of directors
by the chief executive officer
3under subs. (5) and (6) of a sponsoring municipality shall be subject to confirmation
4by the governing body of the sponsoring municipality. The terms of office of the public
5sector members of the board of directors shall be 3 years and shall expire upon the
6earlier of a date specified in the enabling resolution or the expiration of their
7respective terms of public office. The terms of office of the members who are officers
8or employees of a private sector entity shall be 3 years, except that for the initial
9appointments for
or, if there is more than one sponsoring municipality, by the
10governing body of each sponsoring municipality. In
a newly created district, the
11initial members shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of the sponsoring
12municipality or, if there is more than one sponsoring municipality, by a committee
13consisting of the chief executive officers of the sponsoring municipalities. Of the
14members of the board of directors who are initially elected to office, the secretary of
15the district shall designate, no later than November 15 preceding the date of the
16spring election at which members of the board of directors are initially elected,

17one-third of the appointments of such members shall to be elected for one year terms
18expiring on the 4th Tuesday of April of the 3rd year beginning after the date of
19creation of the district
, one-third shall to be elected for 2 years terms expiring on the
204th Tuesday of April of the 4th year beginning after the year in which the district is
and one-third shall to be elected for 3 years terms expiring on the 4th
22Tuesday of April of the 5th year beginning after the year in which the district is
. If the number of members who are officers or employees of a private sector
of the board of directors is not divisible by 3, for the initial appointments of
25such members for a newly created district,
the secretary of the district shall

1designate, no later than November 15 preceding the date of the spring election at
2which district board members are initially elected
approximately one-third of the
3appointments shall members to be for one year elected for terms expiring on the 4th
4Tuesday of April of the 3rd year beginning after creation of the district
5approximately one-third shall of the members to be for 2 years elected for terms
6expiring on the 4th Tuesday of April of the 4th year beginning after creation of the
and approximately one-third shall of the members to be for 3 years. No
8members who are officers or employees of a private sector entity may serve more than
92 consecutive full terms. Members may be removed from the board of directors prior
10to the expiration of their terms only by the chief executive officer and only for
11malfeasance or nonfeasance in office
elected for terms expiring on the 4th Tuesday
12of April of the 5th year beginning after creation of the district
SB258, s. 127 13Section 127. 229.42 (7) (b) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 229.42 (7) (b) and
14amended to read:
SB258,48,2415 229.42 (7) (b) Subject to subds. 2. and 3., the The terms of office of the
16individuals who are initially appointed to serve as members of the board shall be 3
17years, except that for the initial appointments for
of directors in a newly created
18district, as specified in the enabling resolution, 4 of the appointments shall be for one
19year, 4 appointments, including the 3 members appointed under sub. (4) (d), shall be
20for 2 years and 4 appointments shall be for 3 years. The cochairpersons of the joint
21committee on finance or their designees shall serve on the board for a term that is
22concurrent with their terms in office and the comptroller's appointment shall be for
23the comptroller's tenure in his or her position
expire on the 4th Tuesday of April of
24the 2nd year beginning after the year in which the district is created
SB258, s. 128 25Section 128. 229.42 (7) (b) 2. and 3. of the statutes are repealed.
SB258, s. 129
1Section 129. 229.42 (7) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB258,49,62 229.42 (7) (c) Vacancies in the membership of the board of directors may be
3filled for the residue of the unexpired term by appointment of the chief executive
4officer of the sponsoring municipality, or if there is more than one sponsoring
5municipality, by a committee consisting of the chief executive officers of each
6sponsoring municipality, subject to confirmation under par. (a).
SB258, s. 130 7Section 130. 229.435 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,49,16 8229.435 Certification of names of initial board members. Within 30 days
9after a sponsoring municipality files an enabling resolution under s. 229.42 (1) (b),
10each person who may appoint members to a board of directors under s. 229.42 (4),
11(5) or (6)
the clerk of the sponsoring municipality, or if there is more than one
12sponsoring municipality, the clerk of each sponsoring municipality
shall certify to
13the department of administration the names of the persons who are initially
14appointed to serve as members of the board of directors under s. 229.42 (5) or (6) or,
15if the sole sponsoring municipality is a 1st class city, the names of the persons
16appointed to the board of directors under s. 229.42 (4)
SB258, s. 131 17Section 131. 229.822 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 229.822 (2) and
18amended to read:
SB258,49,2519 229.822 (2) A district is governed by its district board. Subject to sub. (3), the
20district board shall consist of the following members who shall be appointed not later
21than 30 days after the creation of a district:
The district board shall consist of 8
22members, who shall be elected at large by the electors of the district at the spring
23election to serve for terms of 2 years, except as provided in sub. (3). All board
24members shall be residents of the district. District board members shall take office
25on July 1.
SB258, s. 132
1Section 132. 229.822 (2) (a) to (c) of the statutes are repealed.
SB258, s. 133 2Section 133. 229.822 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,51,43 229.822 (3) Upon creation of a district, the initial district board members shall
4be appointed jointly by a committee consisting of the chief elected officials of the city
5and county in which the football stadium is located and the chief elected official of
6any municipality that has a boundary at the time of creation of the district that is
7contiguous to a boundary of the site of the football stadium. The initial district board
8members shall be appointed not later than 30 days after the creation of a district.
9Upon making an appointment under sub. (2), the appointing authorities committee
10shall certify the appointees name of each appointee to the secretary of
11administration. The terms of office of the persons appointed under sub. (2) shall be
122 years expiring on July 1, except that the initial terms shall expire on July 1 of the
134th year beginning after the year of creation of a district. Persons appointed under
14sub. (2) serve at the pleasure of their appointing authorities, and may be removed
15before the expiration of their terms.
The terms of office of the district board members
16who are initially appointed to office shall expire on July 1 of the 2nd year beginning
17after the year in which the district is created.
Vacancies shall in the membership of
18the district board may
be filled by the appointing authority who appointed the person
19whose office is vacant. A person appointed to fill a vacancy under sub. (2) shall serve
20for the remainder of the unexpired term to which he or she is appointed unless
21removed at an earlier time. The appointing authorities shall confer with one another
22regarding their appointments with a view toward achieving diversity on the district
for the residue of the unexpired term in the same manner as initial
24appointments are made. Of the district board members who are initially elected to
25office, the secretary of the district shall designate, no later than November 15

1preceding the date of the spring election at which district board members are initially
2elected, 4 to serve for terms expiring on July 1 of the 3rd year beginning after the year
3in which the district is created and 4 to serve for terms expiring on July 1 of the 4th
4year beginning after the year in which the district is created
SB258, s. 134 5Section 134. 229.822 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,51,86 229.822 (6) Upon the appointment and qualification of a majority of the
7members of a the district board in a newly created district, the district board may
8exercise the powers and duties of a district board under this subchapter.
SB258, s. 135 9Section 135. 229.842 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB258,51,1310 229.842 (1) (b) The sponsoring city's common council adopts a resolution that
11approves the mayor's proclamation, and delivers a copy of the resolution to the
12governor. The resolution under this paragraph may contain a procedure that the
13mayor must follow in appointing persons to the board under sub. (2) (c).
SB258, s. 136 14Section 136. 229.842 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 229.842 (2) and
15amended to read:
SB258,51,2316 229.842 (2) A district is governed by its district board. If the sponsoring city is
17a 1st class city, sub. (4) applies but pars. (a) to (d) and sub. (3) do not apply and the
181st class city's common council shall determine the membership, structure,
19qualifications and selection procedures for the district board. If the sponsoring city
20is not a 1st class city, the district board shall consist of the following members, subject
21to sub. (4):
The district board shall consist of 13 members, who shall be elected at
22large by the electors of the district at the spring election to serve for terms of 4 years,
23except as provided in sub. (3). District board members shall take office on July 1.
SB258, s. 137 24Section 137. 229.842 (2) (a) to (d) of the statutes are repealed.
SB258, s. 138
1Section 138. 229.842 (3) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 229.842 (3)
2(a) and amended to read:
SB258,52,193 229.842 (3) (a) The persons Upon creation of a district, the initial district board
4members shall be jointly
appointed under sub. (2) (b) to (d) shall serve staggered
5terms of 4 years expiring on
by a committee consisting of the governor, the mayor of
6the sponsoring city, and the county executive or board chairperson of the county in
7which the greatest portion of the population of the city is located. Upon making an
8appointment, the committee shall certify the name of each appointee to the secretary
9of administration. The terms of office of the district board members who are initially
10appointed to office shall expire on July 1 of the 2nd year beginning after the year in
11which the district is created. Of the district board members who are initially elected
12to office, the secretary of the district shall designate, no later than November 15
13preceding the date of the spring election at which district board members are initially
14elected, 3 to serve for terms expiring on
July 1, except that: of the 2nd year beginning
15after the year in which the district is created, 3 to serve for terms expiring on July
161 of the 4th year beginning after the year in which the district is created, 3 to serve
17for terms expiring on July 1 of the 5th year beginning after the year in which the
18district is created, and 4 to serve for terms expiring on July 1 of the 6th year
19beginning after the year in which the district is created.
SB258, s. 139 20Section 139. 229.842 (3) (a) 1. to 4. of the statutes are repealed.